Correction work and Unit revision

Бектенгалиева Майра Аскаровна
Бектенгалиева Майра Аскаровна
С.Байшев атындағы ЖОББМ
Английский язык
6 класс
Helping and Heroes

Correction work and Unit revision

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Цели обучения (ссылка на учебную программу): 6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics 6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics 6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world 6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives 6.L7 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics  
Цели урока: All learners will be able to: • Listen to the text; • Plan and write a piece of writing; Most learners will be able to: Identify the correct form of a word, appropriate sentence structure and text layout; Some learners will be able to: • Write a composition keeping appropriate format and plan of a given genre; Recognise the content of an extended conversation using some supporting information;  
Языковые цели: Active vocabulary of Units 1 - 2
Критерии успеха: • Read the given passage and identify the general information. • Demonstrate skills of organizing and expressing ideas accurately. Illustrate a viewpoint in a discussion.  
Межпредметная связь: Social Studies, Kazakh, Russian languages.

Ход урока

Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы

Начало урока

(2 min.)

The lesson greeting. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, let students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm up. Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments about appearance, job performance, talent, etc. and also practice accepting compliments. (E.g. - Hello, my friend, you speak English very well! -That's very nice of you to say so.)  

Середина урока


Pre-reading stage. Predicting and guessing. Students move their eyes over the words and pictures on the whiteboard and predict the title of the text. Then they read the text in pairs, find out the meaning of the underlined words. After that students call out words, phrases they remember from the text, note them. Students work in pairs (1 minutes) discuss what the text is about or (create a text using some of the previous written words). Students express their ideas (1 minutes). While-reading stage. The teacher informs the class that they will be participating in the contest about capitals and big cities. Washington Washington, the capital of the United States of America, is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The district is named in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of America. It was G. Washington, who chose the place for the District. Washington is not the largest city in the USA. It has a population of 900 000 people. Washington has many historical places. The largest and tallest among the buildings is the Capitol. There are no skyscrapers in Washington because no other building must be taller than the Capitol. The White House is the President's residence. Not far from the Capitol is the Washington Monument, which looks like a very big pencil. The city has a lot of different nations. Use Venn Diagram to compare Astana and Washington Find sentences in the Present Simple and put them into negative or interrogative forms. Write a short composition about Astana. Use these questions: You may use the questions: 1. What are the most interesting places in Astana? 2. Why do people enjoy visiting these places? 3. What is the most exciting place to visit? 4. How does it look like? 5. Why are these places popular among visitors? 6. Would you like to visit Astana again?         

Конец урока

(10 min.)

Home task. Think of a plan about Astana. Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the method: “Six thinking hats”: • Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects? • Red: How do you feel about your work today? • White: What have you leant today? • Black: What were the weaknesses of your work? • Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt... ) • Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?  


(3 min.)

Conclusion: Strategy: Freeze frame Work in groups. Three people take the roles and act out the story. Giving homework: Imagine you met the golden fish. What would you wish for? Feedback: Teacher asks learners to use two stars and one wish to write about the lesson.         
