
Мақұбаева Фатима Мағжанқызы
Мақұбаева Фатима Мағжанқызы
СШ №1
Английский язык
4 класс
Hot and Cold


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Цели обучения (ссылка на учебную программу): 4.R5 understand the main points of short simple texts on a growing range general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues 4.S1 make basic statements which provide information on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics  
Цели урока: <p>All learners will be able to: </p><p> - read and understand the main idea of the lesson’s theme. </p><p> -use vocabulary&nbsp;</p><p> - read dialogue with support </p><p> Most learners will be able to </p><p> - read dialogue with little support </p><p> -answer the questions with little support </p><p> Some learners will be able to</p><p> - make up a dialogue without teacher’s support. </p><p> - ask and answer the questions without teacher’s support.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Языковые цели: &nbsp;Using phrases: it is cold, it is hot, it is sunny, it is rainy, it snowy, it is stormy, It is cloudy, it is foggy, and it is warm.
Критерии успеха: <p>&nbsp;-read the dialogue</p><p> -answer the questions</p><p> -make up a dialogue using phrases</p><p> -find answer to riddles&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>
Привитие ценностей: -to protect our nature
Навыки использования ИКТ: ability to work with presentstion
Межпредметная связь: Natural science&nbsp;
Предыдущие знания: Spring time in Kazakhstan.

Ход урока

Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы

Начало урока

(2 min)

1)Greetings: Duty questions (work individual, reading ) Warm up The nature doesn’t have bad weather... How do you think, what does it mean? Do you agree with these? So, tell me please the theme of our lesson will be..? Right, the theme of our lesson is “Weather”&nbsp;&nbsp; Handout1 (PPT S 1)&nbsp;&nbsp;

Середина урока

<p>&nbsp;a)Understanding vocabulary (Level “Knowledge” by Bloom’s taxonomy ) group</p><p> (Whole learners work, reading) </p><p> Reading and understanding following phrases </p><p> -Students listen and repeat phrases after teacher.</p><p> ( it is cold, it is hot, it is sunny, it is rainy ,it snowy, it is stormy, It is cloudy, it is foggy, it is warm) b)Reading (Level “understanding” by Bloom’s taxonomy) (Individual work , reading)</p><p> Learners should read and answer correctly for 6 riddles in cards and then check each other according next criteria: Assessment Criteria ( Peer’s assessment) : </p><p> 1.5-6 answer=Green card </p><p> 2.4-3=Yellow card </p><p> 3.2-0=Red card Descriptor </p><p> 1.Reads the riddles</p><p> 2. Circles the answers. </p><p> 3. Checks each other and read. </p><p> Teacher gives key for checking. </p><p> c) Physical training “Hello!” d) Reading .</p><p>Level “Apply” by Bloom’s Taxonomy </p><p> 1. Pre-reading task: ranking sentences in the right order and make up a dialogue.(Self-assessment) .Then teacher gives key.</p><p> 2. While reading.</p><p>Learners read the dialogue and answer the questions (pair work, speaking) -What about this dialogue? </p><p> -Who are the main characters?</p><p> -What kind of weather Does Aidar like? </p><p> -What kind of weather Does Sanzhar like?</p><p> 3. Post reading. Level “Apply” by Bloom’s Taxonomy (pair work, reading). </p><p>Students are divided into pairs and make their own dialogue about weather according next criteria: </p><p> Assessment Criteria: </p><p> 1.8-10 sentences = Green cards </p><p> 2.7-5 sentences = Yellow cards</p><p> 3.4-0= Red cards (Teachers assessment)</p><p> Descriptors: Learners in pair</p><p> 2.</p><p> Makes up dialogue using phrases and vocabulary. (work in pair) T</p><p>eacher counts the numbers of cards during the lesson and give marks(Self-Assessment):</p><p> 1. Green cards =Excellent! </p><p> 2. Yellow cards=Good job! </p><p> 3. Red cars=Try again!&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;Handout 2 (PPT S 2)</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Handout 3 Handout 4</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p> Cards Handout 5(key)&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>&nbsp;Video </p><p> Handout 6 </p><p> Handout 7(key)&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>cards</p><p>cadrs</p>

Конец урока

<p>Home work: Children choose one of the tasks. </p><p> 1 stage-. Make up poster about your favorite weather and write 5 sentences.</p><p> 2 stage - Make up poster about your favorite weather and write 8 sentences</p><p> 3 stage- Make up poster about your favorite weather and write 10 sentences. Descriptors for 3 stages: 1. Understand the theme. 2. Use phrases&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> &nbsp;


<p>Reflection. </p><p> Pupils fill the knowledge cloud (poster)</p><p>with drops (stickers: everything is clear, not quite understand, nothing is clear)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> &nbsp; Poster Handout 8&nbsp;&nbsp;

