My land

Карабалина Жанзада Болатбековна
Карабалина Жанзада Болатбековна
СШ им. Ж.Кереева
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Earth and our place in it

My land

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unit Earth and our place on it. Theme: My land .4.3.1 Understand the detail of an argument in extended texts on a range of familiar general curricular topics Link comments with growing flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges Write independently about factual and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a range of familics
Start (W)Greeting

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Middle ?

<p>(G)Lead in of the new theme.Active learning strategy “Memory game”.FA “Think.Pair.Share”</p><p>&nbsp;(W)Greeting The lesson greeting. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments. (W)Brainstorming Look at the pictures and answer the questions.  What are these in the pictures?  What are we going to speak about?  How do you think what is the theme of our lesson? (G)Lead in of the new theme. Pre –teaching vocabulary. 1. Words Pictures 1. Mausoleum [mosәliәm] 2. Locate [lokeit] 3. Monument [monjumәnt] 4. Valley [vali] 5. lake [leik] 6. Legend [ledзәnd] 7. Mosque [mask] 8. hollow [holәu] 9. river [rivә] 10. museum [mju:ziәm] 11. reserve [rizәv] 12. rock [rok] Descriptor 1.Read correctly the words in the box. 2. Match with pictures and remember it. 3. Read and repeat in choir. For the right answer teacher gives to learners star Active learning strategy “Memory game”. The teacher shows the pictures and explains with gestures. learners guess the word then teacher mix the pictures the learners take any picture and say again all the words. FA “Think.Pair.Share” Grouping Each group prepare a presentation about what mineral, ancient places and resources is there in the North, in the South, in the West and in the East of Kazakhstan. Explain their presentation to the class. I’ll give you a piece of papers with words and you should connect these pieces and make up one word. The first group is NORTH The second group is SOUTH The third group is WEST The fourth group is EAST Descriptor Find more information on internet Prepares presentation on the given top Explain their presentation Illustrates the ability to express ideas clearly; Learners assess each other with motivation words “Excellent”, “Good”, “Well done”! (G) Pre – reading Teacher shows only one sentence of the text and ask what about will be text (G, I) While reading Method “JIGSAW” Learners read the text and mathch with pictures 1. It is an 11th or 12th-century mausoleum for a noble woman located in the village of it, 18 km west of Taraz, Kazakhstan on the Silk Road. It is locally famous as a monument to love and faithfulness. According to legend, the mausoleum was built by a Karakhanid Dynasty ruler for his beautiful fiancée Aisha-Bibi, a daughter of Sufi poet Khakim-Ata. Matching the legend, the mausoleum looks light, well-proportioned, and delicate. The mausoleum's architectural forms and decoration are reminiscent of fine lace. The whole building is covered with carved terracotta tiles using 60 different floral geometric patterns and stylized calligraphy. It is a direct stylistic descendant of Samanid Mausoleum in Bukhara. (Aisha Bibi) 2. It is a lake located in theAlmaty and Shyghyz provinces, east central Kazakhstan. Its elevation is 347 m (1,138 ft) above sea level.The lake is the northwest extension of the region known as the Dzhungarian Gate (Alataw Pass), a narrow valley connects the southern uplands of Kazakhstan with arid northwest China. It's a salt lake, has a drainage basin of 65,200 km2 (25,200 sq mi) and receives water periodically from several streams flowing from theTarbagatai Mountains(Alakol Lake) 3. A mountain is one of natural monuments in East Kazakhstan region. It is the highest peak of Altai and of all Siberia. It is one of the natural monuments in the region. It is the highest peak of Altai and of all Siberia. Borders of 4 states meet here (Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Mongolia). A lot of climbers from all over the world come to visit the mountain annually. Combination of different conditions: great heights, steep relief, different shapes of ice make it possible to climb in different complexity degrees. (Beluha mountain) 4. Beautiful and rich Akmola region, an ancient land of an ancient people. Like a fairy eagle, that has widely spread its wings for the flight, it stretches itself in the north of the republic. Fruitful soils, numerous rivers and lakes, vast pastures, rich metal deposits, generous gifts of the woods, abundance of game-animals and fish ... (Buravoe) (I) Post reading activity. Closed questions Diferrentiation More able learners answer to the questions Less able learners make up their own questions 1. Is Turkistan the most ancient city? Yes/no 2. Is the Mauseleum of Kodja Ahmet Yasawi located in Turkistan 3. Is the Burabai National Natural park of Kazakhstan?yes/no 4. Are Aish Bibi and Babadja mauseleums in Almaty? Yes/no 5. Is Beluha montain in Russia?Yes/no (G) Project work. Most of learners write 4-5 phrases about their own city. More able learners write 6-7 sentences about their own city. And how it was five years ago Some learners write 8-9 sentences about their own city, how it was five years ago and what do they want to change now then present to the class. Feedback 3.2.1 COUNTDOWN Teacher gives them cards to write on, or they can respond orally. They are required to respond to three separate statements: • 3 things they didn't know before • 2 things that surprised about this topic • 1 thing they want to start doing with what they've learned&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

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The lesson greeting. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Then to create a positive learning environment the teachers asks students to start the lesson giving each other compliments. (W)Brainstorming&nbsp; Look at the pictures and answer the questions. <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>What are these in the pictures? <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>What are we going to speak about? <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>How do you think what is the theme of our lesson

