Special occasions (Module 4. Unit 7 «Celebration». Step1)

Гусенова Зульфия Вилаятовна
с. Теректы, СШ им. Т.Исабаева
Английский язык
Special occasions (Module 4. Unit 7 «Celebration». Step1)

Grammar First conditional with if and unless
Types of the lesson Learning of the new materials
Materials Pictures, cards, slides, CD, materials from
Lesson objectives To study words for special occasions , first conditional with if and unless, describing special occasions, talking about results, talking about superstitions
SWBAT To develop the dialogue, use the words for special occasions,, first conditional with if and unless, describe special occasions, talk about results, talk about superstitions
Ожидаемый результат Учащиеся ознакомятся с новыми словами и выражениями по теме, смогут использовать их в речи, отработают навыки правильного произношения звуков /s/, /z/ на конце слов, приобретут навыки употребления в речи условных предложений 1 типа (First conditional with if and unless), смогут работать в группе и индивидуально, овладеют навыками работы выполнения упражнений в on-line режиме, технологией анализа ошибок, допущенных в работе, через самооценивание и взаимооценивание.


Stages of the lesson Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Methods of teaching, assessment Time
I Introduction Organization moment
1. Проверка посещаемости
T: Who is absent today?
2. Activity for the resting- динамическая пауза
3. Dividing into three groups
4. Writing of the date
1. The duty should say who is absent on the lesson.
2.Students should do the activity for the resting
3.Students should into three groups
4.Students should write the date
Grouping 2 min
II Warm up The game
T: How many words can you make with these letters?
… (Slide 2)
2. Students, use the formative assessment “Two stars and one wishing”.
3. T: Students and now say me the theme of our lesson.
Special occasions- специальные ( важные) события
1.Students should make the new words with these letters:
2. Student’s groups should use the formative assessment “Two stars and one wishing”.
3. Students try to say the theme and write it in their copybook.
Group work
Game “Try this”
Formative assessment
“ Two stars and one wishing”
3 min
III Presentation Ex.1a, page 72
Key vocabulary
T: Look at these expressions. How do you say them in your language?
1. Happy birthday!
2. Happy New Year!
3. Congratulations!
4. Happy anniversary!
5. Good luck! (Slide3)

Ex.1b, page 72
Vocabulary work
Match the words with the pictures :
Cake, candles, costumes,
decorations, fireworks,
guests, presents, procession
CD- Track 91. Listen and check

Ex.2a, page 72
Key pronunciation
Final |s| and|z|
CD- Track 20. Listen and repeat the words.
|s| cakes, guests, trips, presents
|z| costumes, meals, parties, weddings
Ex.2b, page 72
CD- Track 20. Now listen to some more words and repeat.
T: Is the final sound |s| or |z|?

Ex.3, page 72
T: What can you say about the pictures?
T: Read the text (page 73). -Which words or phrases refer to special occasions?(Slide)

T: Match 1-7 with a-g and make seven superstitions.
1b If you see a spider in your home, you’ll soon have guests.
CD – Track 21. Listen and check your answers.
Students should the expressions on the interactive board and say them in your language and write them in their copybook

Students should match the words with the pictures

Students should listen and repeat the words, remember the rule about the final sound /s/ or/z/

Students should
pronounce sound |s| or |z|.

Students should
read the text .
They should answer the question - Which words or phrases refer (направляют или указывают) to special occasions?

Students should
match 1-7 with a-g and make seven superstitions.
Formative assessment
for the true answer each student have a present card (“Very good”, “Wonderful”, “Brilliant,”)

Group work
Formative assessment
“Word’s assessment”

Listening and checking

Class work
Listening and speaking

Class work
Listening and speaking


Group work
Reading and speaking
Assessment “ Traffic lights”
2 min

3 min

2 min

1 min

6 m
IV Practice Ex.4, page 72
Key Grammar
First conditional with if and unless
Complete the examples and read the explanations
Checking of the task
G13 - a-b
Grammar and practice
https://bilimland.kz/kk/courses/english-language/mskills-english/intermediate-level-grammar/lesson/011-conditional-sentences-type-1 language
Interactive exercises
Intermediate level
Ex. 0.11 Conditional sentences type 1
Students should complete the examples and read the explanations , use G13 - a-b

Учащиеся работают в on –line режиме за ПК, формируют навыки употребления условных предложений 1 типа.
Group work
Writing and reading
Word’s assessment

Interactive method
Individual work
6 min

8 min
V Production itest.kz
Раздел Синтаксис (Syntax)
Условные предложения
Conditional sentences (lecture ,test)
Учащиеся читают лекцию и выполняют тест. Individual work
8 min
VI Assessment The teacher offer check work Students should check their work
Подсчитывают свои баллы.
Учащиеся сообщают о своих результатах учителю, делают работу над ошибками
Summative assessment 2 min
Homework Ex.5a, page 73
Complete the sentences with if or unless.

Ex.5b, page 73
Complete the sentences. Use the right form of the verbs.
To learn the GR- G 13 a-b
Students should complete the sentences with if or unless.
Students should use the right form of the verbs.
To learn the GR- G 13 a-b
Individual work
1 min
Student’s reflection about the lesson The teacher suggest to assess the lesson Students should assess teacher’s lesson on the stickers   1 min

Раздаточный материал к уроку

Ex.1b, page 72
Match the words with the pictures:
Cake, candles, costumes, decorations, fireworks, guests, presents, procession
Special occasions (Module 4. Unit 7 «Celebration». Step1) - 1
CD- Listen and check.
Ex.3, page 72
If you do that, you’ll turninto a fish.

a) What can you say about the pictures?
b) Read the text (page 73). Which words or phrases refer to special occasions?(Slide)
c) Match 1-7 with a-g and make seven superstitions.
1b) If you see a spider in your home, you’ll soon have guests.

We live in an age of high-tech science- but every culture still has its superstitions about things that bring good or bad luck. Here are seven superstitions from different countries around the world.
1) If you see a spider in your home,
2) If you swim in the sea on Good Friday,
3) If a baby is born at the time of a full moon,
4) Unless you clean your house before New Year’s Eve,
5) You won’t have a happy marriage
6) If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake and make a wish,
7) You’ll get rich
a) your wish will come true.
b) you’ll soon have guests.
c) if you keep a piece of snake skin in your wallet.
d) you’ll turn into a fish.
e) you’ll have bad luck during the new year.
f) he or she will have a happy future.
g) unless you wear something red on your wedding day.
Listen and check your answers.
Ex.4, page 72
Key grammar

First conditional with if and unless

Complete the examples and read the explanations.
If you swim on Good Friday, you ….turn into a fish.
We use if+present simple, and will/wont+verb to describe the result of a possible future action.
Unlees you ….. something red on your wedding day, you won’t be happy.
Unless you wear =if you don’t wear
We can change the order of the two parts of the sentence:
You’ll turn into a fish if you swim on Good Friday.
You won’t be happy unless you wear something red on your wedding day.
G 13a-b

Ex.5 a, page 73
Complete the sentences with if or unless
1. … its a nice day tomorrow, we’ll have lunch outside.
2. What will we do … it rains?
3. The bus is late. We’ll miss the beginning of the film … it comes soon.
4. … you ring me from the station, I’ll come and meet you.
5. That plant will die … you give it some water.

Ex.5 b, page 73
Complete the sentences. Use the right form of the verbs.
1) If you … (visit) our town during the carnival, you ….(have) a great time.
2) If my brother …. (pass) his exams, we …. (organize) a big celebration.
3) I …. (not go) to the party unless you …. (come) with me.
4) If it …..(not be) too hot on Saturday, we….(have) a barbecue on the beach.
5) We… (not be able to) dance unless someone…… (bring) a CD player.
6) David’s meat …. (be)cold if he …. (not come) soon.
7) I … (not listen) to you unless you ….(stop) shouting.
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