Classroom objects

Жубаниязова Гулайым
Жубаниязова Гулайым
село Б адамша
Бадамшинская СШ №1
Английский язык
2 класс
My school

Classroom objects

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Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to .UE4 use determiners this these to indicate what something is 1.L1 recognise short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly 1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly  
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: • Name classroom objects with considerable support • Use determiners this these to name the classroom objects with support Most learners will be able to: • Name classroom objects with little support • Use determiners this these to name the classroom objects Some learners will be able to: • Name classroom objects without support • Use determiners this these to name the classroom objects without support  
Value links: Respect, Cooperation

Ход урока

Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы

Greeting, Warm Up

(7 min)

Greet the students. “Hello!”/”Good morning!”/”Good afternoon!” “What`s the weather like today? How are you?” Have learners watch greeting song and ask what greeting phrases they remember. - speech drill

New Learning and Practice:

(10 min)

- Go through the PPT revise vocabulary chorus as a class. - Introduce 5 more words (window, door, rubber, computer, board) - Show the next slides practice determiners - Explain the usage of These are/this is)


(10 min)

- Introduce two more letters G/H - Ask learners to look around the class, what they what classroom objects they see.


(7 min)

- Invite learners to come to the middles of the class and choose pictures; - Have learners to name their objects using this is/these are and color. -Diff: more stronger learners can name 3 or more objects.    

Control check

(3 min)

- Pass out paddles and markers to see if learners remember previous material. - Ask learners to show the number, letter. More confident learners can name the color. Name numbers one by one and ask learners to show you the words.. Praise them. Give stickers.  

Closing Reflection/Self-Assessment & Goodbye

(3 min)

(W) Check students understanding by asking the following…. 1) what`s the weather like? What greeting phrases you know..      
